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The Private Life of Jesus Christ
1.Tuesday, December 8, 23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: The Immaculate Conception.
Sunday, January 1, about 2558 B.C., the ancestors of Abram began the old solar calendar of the Jews on the winter solstice, and it had 365.25 days in one year.
After that, some of the Jews did not write the letters for their histories and they dictated their words to the next generation. So the Holy Spirit led the Jews, they wrote the Septuagint.
The Lord God formed the man from the mud of the ground and He breathed His breath into his nostrils, and the man became a living being. The God had planted a garden in Eden, and He put the man in it. (Genesis 2:7-8)
In The Judge on Dooms, I wrote when the true God judged the demons.
The God said.
"It is not good for the man to be alone, so I will make a helper for him." (Genesis 2:18)
The God made a woman from the rib which He had taken out from the man, and He brought her to him, so the man said.
"She is bone of my bones, and fresh of my fresh, so she shall called woman." (Genesis 2:22-23)
The true God gave the free will to Adam.
Lucifer and his followers, the one-third angels, the demons used their free wills badly, so they damned.
The serpent who was Lucifer said to the woman. (Genesis 3:1)
"Did God say to you, 'You must not eat from any fruit of tree in the garden'?"
The serpent said to the woman. (Genesis 3:4-5)
"If you ate that fruit, surely you will not die, for the God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will open, and you will become the knowing good and evil."
See Chapter 54 of Kindle Edition(1). I wrote the details of demons.
In Autumn, 2002 A.D., the demons came to me for purpose of having my thing. So I remembered seeing the demons in my room at midnights. And it took me the eight months to get over the demons, and I went on researching my manuscripts as if nothing had happened.
Adam and Eve had the children.
When the children offered their offerings to the God, He looked favor on the younger brother's lamb, so the elder brother was jealous of him, and Cain killed Abel in the field. Therefore the God got angry; He deported Cain from his homeland. (Genesis 4:3-16)
Adam and Eve had the child again, and they named him Seth.
Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh. After that, the men began to call on the name of the Lord God. (Genesis 4:25-26)
See Chapter 89 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD.
Jesus Christ said.
"God is unattachable Perfection, God is the perfect Beauty, God is the infinite Power, God is the incomprehensible Essence, God is the unsurpassable Bounty, God is the indestractive Mercy, God is the immeasurable Wisdom, God is the Love that became God."
Noah was the obedient man in the fall generation, so the God established His covenant with Noah, and He made him the ark, and He saved his family from the dreadful flood. (Genesis 6:18)
The dreadful flood made the great Stratum all over the world.
The whole world had one language, so they could make themselves understood, and they said to each other. (Genesis 11:1-16)
"Let's build the tower which reaches to the heavens, and let's become famous all together."
But the Lord God came down to see the tower of the city that the men were building, and the God said.
"They are the same nation, and as they are speaking the same language, they have begun to do the insolent deeds. I cannot disturb their plan any longer, so let Us go down and confuse their language, so that they will be impossible to make themselves understand."
Thus its city was called Babel, and the God confused the language of the whole world, and He scattered them from the city all over the world.
The Satan and the demons distorted the truth in order to cteate the confution in the minds of people.
Noah made his descendant. (Genesis 10:1)
Chem named his son Terah.
Terah became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran. (Genesis 11:27)
The Lord God said to Abram. (Genesis 12:1-3)
"Leave your father's country which is your hometown, and go to the land I will show you."
The Christianity is the perfect, the eternal, and the divine religion. (See Chapter 89 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD)
The eighth century of B.C., Isaiah said like this. (Isaiah 7:14)
"The virgin will be with Child and will give to a Son, and will call Him Immanuel."
Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the Redeemer and the Word of God.
The angel Gabriel said to Daniel. (Daniel 9:24)
"Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy."
The angel did not tell a lie.
Isaiah, Micah, and other prophets foretold about Jesus Christ. Already the Trinity gave the answer to the Jews, so they were waiting for the Messiah for a long time.
You should read the Old Testament.
27 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: When the winter solstice became on December 12 of the old solar calendar of the Jews which I named, Augustus became the ruler of the Roman Empire.
The theory of the old solar calendar of the jews is my original one.
Nazareth was located at 100 km northern of Jerusalem, and it had the population of about the five hundred, so nobody had been interested in the sticks like Nazareth.
23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, there was the married couple who were a good friendship lived in Nazareth.
Joachim was the descendant of the David king Family, Anne was the daughter of the Aaron Family. They were waiting for the Messiah for a long time, and they were living harmoniously, however unfortunately they did not have a child, so they went up to Jerusalem in October of 23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, and they prayed to the God in the Temple. Just then the God heard their prayers, and the Trine smiled at them.
October of 23 B.C., of the old solar calendar of the Jews is my theory.
The two months passed.
Tuesday, December 8, 23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the God worked the miracle, and the Immaculate Conception occurred in Nazareth.
Tuesday, December 8, 23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews is my original one.
Tuesday, December 8, 23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the God worked the miracle, and the Immaculate Conception occurred in Nazareth.
The Immaculate Conception was the very important thing a theological viewpoint, and Mary was endowed beauty and Grace, and the Son of God was waiting for His appearance to this world.
December 8 of the Immaculate Conception was Holy Tradition.
From now on, the stories of the Private and Public Life of Jesus Christ begin.
I explained the principles of the dates in the Chapter 137.
See the Chapter 137. The date of birth of Jesus Christ.
I wrote the dates of the famous stories of the Four Gospels in this book with my meditation. So just relax and enjoy yourself.
I know the dates of the Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary and the dates of famous stories of the Four Gospels.
See the Private and Public Life of Jesus Christ.
I decided the dates of the Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary and the dates of the famous stories of the Four Gospels.
June 15, 2012
June 1, 2012
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Title: The Private and Public Life of Jesus Christ
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